Friday, December 27, 2019

The Impact Of Modern Day Workplace On The Workplace...

Business environment Joshua Poole MGT/426 LANA GARCIA-MARTINEZ 11/21/2016 It is matter of fact that the modern day workplace environment is changing at a very high rate. The change is brought about by organizations need to incorporate new and innovative strategies and models. For business entities, the new models and strategies present both opportunities and benefits. For instance, the decision by most organizations to embrace diversity provides them with a lot of opportunities in using the diverse knowledge and skills to their advantage. At the same time, the issue of diversity brings about several challenges especially in managing employees from different cultural and religious backgrounds. Despite the challenges that the constant changes in the workplace environment offer to organizations, these changes have an overall positive impact on their growth and development (Creasey Hiatt). The role of innovation in executing change strategies When an organization is implementing change, there is usually resistance from its members. The resistance is usually brought about by the members’ fear of the uncertainties related with the change. For instance, there are instances when some organization members fear that the changes might lead to them losing their jobs. In order to avoid such fears, leaders are supposed to employ innovation when it comes to implementing change. One of the innovation ways the management needs to use in implementing change is throughShow MoreRelatedImportance of Workplace Bullying to Vocational Psychology1686 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿The importance of workplace bullying to vocational psychology In a perfect market place, the labor force would function at the highest standards of operational efficiency, with increased performance and with high levels of return and organizational profitability. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Leadership, Transformational Leader And Leader Member...

In Dessler chapter 2 it talks about leadership traits, the powers needed to become one, type of leader, transformational leader and the leader member exchange theory. The traits need to become a leader are to have drive, motivated to lead, honest, self-confidence, cognitive ability and know the business. Gigi has shown drive and cognitive ability when she kept going to school and finishing all the degrees and taking the state boards. She knows to what extent to be honest about and has self-confidence to get the job done. She knows the business because of work from the past and her passion towards it is the biggest drive and trait she has. If the leader has no power then he can be a leader, this are the powers needed to be one, position, authority, expert, referent, and information power. One can infer that Gigi possess all this powers and that’s why she is a good leader. The types of leadership styles are task, people, delegate or hands on. Gigi said she is a little of everyth ing. She is people oriented because she is comfortable working with them, although she intimidates them. She likes hands on but has learned to delegate and get feedback. Gigi has also shown that she is a transformational leader simply by being able to bring the company back to a good stand after it was losing money. She said to lead by example and that is one of the things transformational leaders do. Another concept to think about when talking about leadership is the ability to have self-awarenessShow MoreRelatedLeadership Essay1476 Words   |  6 PagesLeadership is one of the main areas of study nowadays. A number of books, articles, and research papers are written on this discipline and we receive much information about this. Leadership is a relationship between leaders and followers, and building this relationship requires an appreciation for the personal values of those who would be willing to give their ener ¬gy and talents to accomplish shared objectives. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Oral Presentation Was Interesting -

Question: Discuss about the The Oral Presentation Was Interesting. Answer: The topic for the oral presentation was interesting and I felt this topic has provided me the chance to explore and enhance my knowledge of finance, accounting as well as management. I have collected the information regarding the presentation from different internet sites such as encyclopedia as well as other sites. The textbooks that have been used by me helped in understanding the concepts in a clearer manner. Each group members of my team were efficient and hard working in nature that helped in identifying the different tools along with guidelines that can be used as this helped us in completing the entire task on time. Each members in the group collected different information from different mediums and this helped in completing the entire task before time as well. The members in the group generated different information from the different family members as well as other friends who helped them with different data as well. The guidelines provided by the different friends and family members helped us in completing the task in an accurate manner. The visual aids that are used in the oral presentation conducted by us are excellent and satisfactory in nature as it helped us in making the audiences understand about the concepts that are required to be explored. While the preparation of the oral presentation, there were different strengths of the employees were the proper and efficient communication skills, presentable in nature and tried finishing the entire task within deadline. The different participants in the group were having proper knowledge relating to the subject and this helped them in succeeding in the presentation as well. However, there were weaknesses among the members such as lack of confidence that is necessary to conduct the entire presentation in an effective manner. There were members in the group who were impatient in nature and they do not have such capability to manage the team in an effective manner. Lastly, there was less of teamwork as there were members in the group who did not contribute much in the presentation. After the entire research and analysis on the oral presentation topic, the entire team has learnt few valuable things that are required to be known and is important in nature as well. There were different essential formulas as well as other theories that are necessary to be known in solving different problems in finance. The management related techniques and theories have been analyzed and that are valuable in nature. Lastly, our team while completing the entire assessment has faced few issues. The issues that were faced were relating to the different theories that were not known to the different teammates and I had to explain them the concepts relating to the management theories along with finance formulas as well. As a team member, I helped the team members in understanding the different formulas with different examples and this helped the entire team in accomplishing the goals. At the end, I feel our team performed the best in the oral presentation as there was motivation among all the team members and this helped them in achieving the tasks.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Why is there more violent and aggressive behavior an Example of the Topic Psychology Essays by

Why is there more violent and aggressive behavior Today more than ever, violence committed by the young is rampant. School shootings have been repeatedly occurring. School bullying continues to be a problem on the rise. Fraternities are also becoming a major problem. Individually, small-time violence has been happening all throughout. The families, friendships, and organizations with which the young are members are becoming prey to violence everyday. Why has the youth of the United States become violent and aggressive? Need essay sample on "Why is there more violent and aggressive behavior" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed In 2003, there were 9.6 million arrests made according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report. Sixteen percent of these arrests involved persons under the age of 18. Five percent were not even 15 years old yet. (Asher, 2006) This shows how serious the problem is. Juvenile delinquency is becoming a major issue in todays society. Despite programs that aim to alleviate the worsening problem, the issue goes deeper and grows sturdier. Parental guidance When the kids go astray, it is the parents to blame. Often, the thing that is always put into question is the parenting style which reared the children. They define the success in which he children turn out to be. They also explain how a child turn young adult can dwell into violence and aggression. By principle, there are three parenting styles. The first one is the authoritarian parenting. With this kind of parenting, the parents put control over the child and initiate a set of rules that should be followed. Often, there are punishments for disobedience. This puts more pressure into the child to be obedient. In some cases, it results otherwise. Because the parents are overdoing protection and discipline, the young can become rebellious and do what is contrary to the principles set by their parents. (Parenting, n.d.) The second parenting style is authoritative. Many confuse this with the authoritarian parenting style, as both come from the root word authority. However, looking at their definitions can bring about the truth behind their differences. Authoritative parenting, also called equalitarian parenting, engages the child to be part of the decision-making process. With this style of parenting, communication lines are open and the child is a part of the sorting process for circumstances and situations before punishments, if any, are given. Studies prove that this is the more favored parenting style and that children who grew up in this parenting scheme are more compassionate, calm, and collected. (Parenting, n.d.) Lastly, there is permissive parenting. This type of parenting puts little control over the child. This type of parenting occurs when the parents are too permissive and submissive to their children. Oftentimes, children are allowed to decide for themselves. Scholars believe that children who grew up in this kind of environment lack self-discipline late on in life. Parenting, n.d.) Interestingly, Smith (2004) claims that the parenting style of a couple may affect the childs risk of being involved in violence or aggressive behavior later in life. Neglect, poor parental supervision, excessive submissiveness, and lack of control over the children are just some among the things that put children at higher risks of aggressive behavior, and alarmingly later on criminality. In fact, in a study conducted to the parents of 39 juvenile offenders, 46% were using authoritarian parenting, 29% were authoritative or equalitarian in their parenting style, and 25% were utilizing permissive parenting style. (Asher, 2006) This further proves that children who grew up with authoritarian parents have more possibility of becoming aggressive later in life. Psychology Psychology also plays an important part in the development of violence and aggressive behavior among the youth. The way the childrens thinking is shaped affects the reactions, actions, ad behavior that he begets for responding to different situations. For instance, if a child grew up seeing their dog being hit aimlessly he will develop a mind which is used to seeing dogs being hit. This mindset will be brought along by him until he reaches an older age. When this happens, it becomes harder to correct. The way in which the family moves influence the way in which a child grow. So, as adults, their past experiences say if they are to become peace-loving or the contrary. The school likewise shapes the way children thinks. The way they are treated inside the classroom by classmates and teachers equally affect their psychological upbringing. Heck and Walsh (2000) agrees by saying that children who grew up with harsh behavior and maltreatment are more likely to have violent delinquencies later on. Learned Considering these factors, it may suffice to say that violent behavior is learned. Whether it spawned of family experiences, parental conflicts, school experiences, and other environmental factors, the bottom line is that the youth is becoming violent depending on the world that they grow up with everyday. Thus, if the world teaches about aggression, the child adapts the concept. In the process, he radiates this concept to others through equally violent behavior. Parental guidance is especially important with the use of the media. Whether it is print, radio, television, or internet, it is worthwhile to consider that these media are widely available for access by the youth. These media also cater, quite easily, to violence. Programs discussing and sampling aggression is being shown daily. Violence has become a fanfare. Culture then takes a spotlight. As the media, the families, schools, and other environmental factors promote violence, the more the child imbibes itthe better chance he will live with violence and aggression through the rest of his life. This has become his immediate culture, and this will become his own culture as well. Unless otherwise remedied, it can lead to criminality. Not a personality Anne Frank became famous for saying that people are really good at heart. This is true. People have an innate nature of goodness. While humans are not perfect beings, they are born from and through goodness. This has been proven by both divinity and science. Thus, violence is not brought about by personality. On the contrary, violence is the one which changes a persons personality. Violence is a cause for concern, and it is a major problem in itself. It leads to loss of lives by innocent victims, it harms and damages, it breaks families, and it shatters lives. Thus, violence should be mediated upon if not eliminated from its causes. If families, schools, and the community enable a nurturing environment, violence and aggressiveness may be lessened, and fewer people will develop the tendency to adapt them. In the end, there will be no more school shootings, less bullyings, and fraternities will be able to promote real brotherhood that finds no sense for hurting others. Bibliography Asher, J. 2006. Exploring the Relationship Between Parenting Styles and Juvenile Delinquency. Heck, C. and Walsh, A. 2000. The Effects of Maltreatment and Family Structure on Minor and Serious Delinquency. Parenting. n.d. Parenting. Retrieved November 12, 2007 Smith, D. 2004. Parenting and Delinquency at Ages 12 to 15.